With high speed installation and long maintenance-free life, DuraHold is an excellent choice for your next industrial or commercial landscape application. It is an immense system (0.55m² [6ft²]/unit) that is ideal for demanding and complex projects.
Due to its structural stability and smooth texture, which greatly reduces water (flow) friction and ice adherence, DuraHold has become the ideal choice of Engineers for many water applications (lake, rivers, detention ponds & canals). The units are segmented to create a random block pattern and the normal battered eff ect can also be eliminated to establish a near vertical wall.
The DuraHold system can be assembled using three basic configurations: Single-Depth Conventional, Geogrid Reinforced SRW or Crib SRW. The DuraHold Crib SRW utilizes tieback and deadman units. This configuration increases the maximum wall height and is ideal for construction in areas with limited space constraints.